We’re thinking very seriously about holding a 1st Guns reunion on the East Coast late next winter or early next spring and would like to hear from anyone that served with the Guns in Nam or knows of anyone that may be interested in attending a 1st Guns reunion. Please reply if you are interested.
I was involved with 1st. Guns between January 1968-January 1969 in the F.D.C. section.Some of the names I remember are Joe Falco,James Cavillaro,Lt.Spanky,lt.Callahan Capt. McCoy,Maj.Mutch,Staff Sargent Onion,Sargent Corneilius,and many more.let me know if y’all are going to put something together!
It’s funny that you joined 1st Guns FDC 2 months after I left and I don’t recognize one of the names you listed. The turnover must have been massive.
I was a 2nd LT with 1st guns Sept 66 to Nov 67. I remember a few guys. Kiser and Crus for sure after seeing their photos. Hilton as well. Dave Rogers was also there and later was transferred to 2/4? just in time for the hill fights. Herb Upton was awarded the silver star for action at PK 17.
LT Day,
What a surprise to see an email from you on the 1st 155mm Gun web site. I’m living close to Quantico, Va. It was my last duty station before separating from the marines in 1968. Hope you’re doing well, and hope to hear from you.
Sgt. Larry Hilton
I was in Nam from Oct. 1966 to Nov. 1967 and really enjoyed reviewing the photos and believe it or not I remember most of the guys mostly from FDC which is were I was. I love to hear from anyone that remembers me.
Remember you? I was hoping that eventually we would hear from you. I believe there are several pictures of you in the photo albums. Welcome aboard Larry.